Objective: Review for Final
Objective: Quarter 1 Final
Objective: Quarter 1 Final
Fall Break Begins
Woohoo! You Finished Quarter 1
Vacation/ Staycation Time
Fall Break Ends
Objective: To Discuss Natural Causes of Climate Change (Recap)
Homework: Notebook Summary Sections for "Climate Notes"
Objective: To Discuss Greenhouse Gases & Global Warming
Objective: To Explore Human Causes of Climate Change
Homework: DBQ Packet - What is Causing Climate Change?
Objective: Chapter 14 Quiz
Objective: To Review Chapter 14 - Climate Change
Objective: (1/2 Day) Chapter 14 Quiz Corrections
Objective: To Discuss Ways We Can Combat Climate Change
Video: This Country Isn't Just Carbon Neutral, It's Carbon Negative! TED TALK - Tshering Tobgay (First 10 minutes)
Exit Ticket: Describe how Bhutan has done nothing to effect global climate change, but deals with the consequences of it "
Ch. 14 Vocab Quiz
Objective: To Explore What We Already Know About Surface Water
Objective: How does Surface Water Contribute to Weather, Erosion, & Deposition?
Objective: Why do Rivers Meander?
Objective: To Discuss the Differences between a Delta & an Alluvial Fan
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