Objective: What is the Hydrologic Cycle?
Homework: Finish "The Hydrologic Cycle" Worksheet
Objective: To Describe How Clouds Form?
Homework: Identify Clouds Using The Back of Your Chapter 11 Vocab Sheet
Objective: What is Wind?
Homework: Chapter 11 Practice Test
Objective: How do Fronts & Pressure Systems Affect the Weather?
Homework: Finish "Fronts & Pressure Systems" Packet
Objective: To Discuss Factors that Influence Weather
Homework: Check Your Grades in Infinite Campus (IC) - Parent/ Teacher Conferences Thursday!
Objective: How does the Uneven Heating of Earth's Surface Generate Global Wind Currents?
Homework: Finish "Global Wind Systems" Worksheet
Objective: (1/2 Day) What is Orographic Lifting?
Quarter 1 Project Assigned
Homework: Finish "What is Orographic Lifting" Worksheet
Objective: (1/2 Day) What is the Difference Between Weather & Climate
Homework: Chapter 11 & 12 Practice Test
Objective: What is the Life Cycle of a Thunderstorm?
Homework: Finish "Life Cycle of a Thunderstorm" Worksheet
Objective: To Discuss Supercell Storms & Tornadoes
Homework: Share Some Tornado Facts You Learned Today!
Objective: (1/2 Day) To Understand the Coriolis Effect
Homework: Finish "The Coriolis Effect" Worksheet
Objective: How do Cyclonic Storms Form?
Homework: Finish "Hurricanes" Worksheet
Objective: To Compare & Contrast Tornadoes & Hurricanes
Homework: Quater 1 Project Research Due!
Objective: How do Weather Patterns Affect Climate?
Quarter 1 Project Research Due!
Homework: "Finish Weather Data" Worksheet
Objective: To Discuss Natural Causes of Climate Change
Homework: Finish "El Nino" Worksheet
Objective: To Work on Quarter 1 Project
Homework: Quarter 1 Project - DUE Monday September 30, 2019
Objective: To Discuss Natural Causes of Climate Change
Homework: Quarter 1 Project - DUE Monday September 30, 2019
Objective: What is the Greenhouse Effect?
Homework: Quarter 1 Project - DUE Monday September 30, 2019
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